Caring for Your Hearing Aids in Extreme Temperatures

James Shrake

Hearing aids are powerful yet sensitive instruments. While care is taken in manufacturing to protect the tiny computers that live inside our hearing aids, they still need to have openings for microphones and speakers, battery...

Veterans and Hearing Loss

James Shrake

  Our veterans and active duty service members are some of the most important and brave women and men in our country. These brave soldiers have voluntarily put their lives on the line to protect...

Tips for Hearing Aid Care and Maintenance

James Shrake

  Hearing aids are powerful and quite durable. Just like any other technological device, they also require a bit of care and maintenance in order to continue working at full efficacy for years to come....

Why Aren’t All Hearing Aids Waterproof?

James Shrake

  Hearing aids of today are pretty impressive. They amplify the sounds you want to hear while suppressing background noise - and are smart enough to intuitively know the difference. Today’s hearing aids can stream...

Support an Active Lifestyle with Hearing Aids

James Shrake

  On average, most Americans wait about 7-10 years from the time they notice changes in their hearing to the time they seek help from a professional. There are many reasons for this. Some wrongfully...

Entheos Audiology Cooperative Announces Agreement with Redux Drying and Cleaning System

James Shrake
Redux, the developer of professional drying and cleaning systems for personal electronics, and Entheos, an audiology cooperative of hearing professionals committed to reconnecting with the larger purpose of their private practices, have announced their affiliation today.  The agreement makes the innovative Redux technology available to Entheos members with Redux supporting the members’ “Hearing the Call” 501c3 humanitarian efforts.